Hand Towels

Paper towels are an absorbent, disposable towel typically made from paper. They come in many different variants in relation to their colour, size and level of ply.

Paper towels are used for drying hands after bathroom usage but have additional functions such as wiping windows, dirty surfaces and cleaning up spills. They are often considered more hygienic than hot-air hand dryers or shared cloth towels hence why they are used in toilet settings.
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Click on any of the following links to download the file.

Code Description Size Colour Ply Per Pack Price
WHAT0001 Green C Fold Hand Towels Green 1 ply 2640
WHAT0002 White C Fold Hand Towels White 2 ply 2400
WHAT0012 White V Fold Hand Towels 225MM X 190MM White 2 ply 3200
WHAT0004 White Z Fold Hand Towels White 2 ply 3000
WHAT0024 1ply Green V-Fold Hand Towel case
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